Sound and Colour.

Sound and Colour is a VR project allows people to explore a series of rooms with a set of unique interactions that reward the player for exploration and curiosity. Developed using Unity and the VRTK plugin, we give players the ability to change gravity, manipulate objects, and destroy objects. This project was created by me and two other colleagues as part of the Introduction to VR module at the University of Kent.  

See more of my projects ↵

Our final product, called "Brixstop", took the following realisation:

- Word Of Mouth:
Instead of using QR codes and usernames with passwords to unlock the store, the experience would be accessible through a secret code or phrase. It would be limitedly shared across the Brixton community by people who trust each other enough keep the code as private as possible. This affirms the notion of trust among the Brixton community.

- No phones: You would not a mobile application to reserve items on the Brixspots. It would ensure that it is equally accessible to everyone. You would only need to create an account if you wish to donate to the Brixspot, thus participate in the voting of proposals. Additionally, we figured that one does not simply experience the blockchain through an interface design. The brief was to materialize the blockchain and make it experienceable, thus a simple interface design may be a little too limiting.

- Each transaction would be automatically recorded and printed in a transparent box. This was used to reflect on the blockchain’s transparency. Although we could have found a more sustainable option, this method remains in my opinion a good way to materialize the blockchain.

- Every Brixspot would be different than the other one. The proposals would not only suggest design of the shop, but would also suggest potential themes and categories of items to be exchanged, which would reflect people’s needs.